How Can I Repay?


As He hung there on that old rugged cross.
Knowing that for our sins He was paying the cost.
He could have so easily to His Father have cried.
I will not take this cup, My Father I lied.

He could have chosen, His own live to save.
Instead of choosing a dark, cold grave.
He carried that cross and all of the shame.
So that on our lives, no sin could be blamed.

After all of the heartache and pain that he beared.
People treat Him with dishonor, they don't even care.
He gave up His life, I jut want to cry to them.
So your life can be free, He paid for your sins.

Father forgive them, they know not what they do.
Tell me my Lord, what will bring them to you.
You have given so much, now let me give to you.
What ever you tell me, then Lord I will do.

I want to help any way that I can,
I will spread your word all over this land.
Let this be my cross, that I have to bear.
Let me show you how much that I really care.

You are the potter, I am the clay,
Mold me and make me, Father I pray.

© By Gloria Collins 9/16/02  
