Missing You On This Special Day


I wonder, how did you feel
Long ago on that day.
When the pains started coming
And I was on the way.

Were you scared, yet happy,
Sad but filled with joy
When they said I was a girl,
Did you really want a boy?

I wish I could remember
The way your arms felt that day
As you held me softly to you
In your ever loving way.

But the times I do remember
Your tender living touch
Are the reasons that I loved you 
And why you're missed so much.

This birthday I will think of you 
And wish that you were here.
But if I cry I know your angel hands
Will dry away my tears.

For my 51st. birthday 

In memory of my mom
She'll be missed this year.
and every year

© by Gloria Collins    11/10/03
